Heartwarming Update on Peter Kim from South Korea: Military Training, Safety Check, and New Year's Wishes
We received a heartwarming call from Peter Kim on New Year's Day, wishing everyone a Happy New Year and letting us know that he was doing well. It was a pleasant reminder of how connected we all are, no matter the distance.
More recently, Peter reached out again, this time with concern for his friends from Arbor. He had heard about the fires in the LA area on the news in South Korea and wanted to make sure we were safe. It was so thoughtful of him to check in, and he sounded relieved and happy to hear that we were all out of harm's way—except for Jeff. We're sure Peter will remember Jeff in his prayers, as we all did, and we know those prayers are a testament to the power of unselfish love and concern for one another.
Peter also shared an update on his current military training. He is still going through boot camp and will soon be heading to KTA (Korean Augmentation to the United States Army Academy) in about a week. The KTA program is a key part of his service in the South Korean military. It was established in 1950 to strengthen the defense capabilities of both South Korea and the United States. To be selected, candidates must perform well on an English exam, and then they are randomly chosen to attend the academy.
Once there, Peter will receive training in U.S. Army basics, including physical readiness and the Army Combat Fitness Test, along with training in his Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). KATUSA (Korean Augmentation to the United States Army) soldiers serve alongside U.S. Army units, sharing living and working areas. They also play a key role as interpreters and help U.S. soldiers better understand Korean culture and language. This program is a vital part of the U.S.-South Korea military alliance, helping U.S. troops adapt to the region and saving resources by integrating local personnel.
“It was wonderful to hear from Peter, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to connect with him, share updates, and know that our prayers for each other continue to bond us together across the miles.”
Peter mentioned that everyone in his dorm is nice, and the food is good, too. He also said he misses all of us and truly appreciated us asking how he’s doing. His message ended with well wishes for us, and he hopes everything is going well on our end.
It was wonderful to hear from Peter, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to connect with him, share updates, and know that our prayers for each other continue to bond us together across the miles.